Video: The Importance of High Water Events

Video: The Importance of High Water Events

The Murray River is experiencing a natural flooding event with flows now at the 1974/75 levels, producing spectacular scenery and images of our guests experiencing this rare event.

Not only are the flooded plains a marvelous spectacle when you look out across the river valley, they are the single most important environmental event on the Murray River in 48 years. Not since 1974/75 have the box woodlands on the highest floodplain terraces been irrigated by a natural event that will recharge the soil with freshwater and lead to new germination of these long-lived trees. Some old box trees have already succumbed to years of drought and salinization, but the good news is there will be massive recruitment, and relief for stressed trees.

Red gums and box trees only germinate on the recession of a flood, and therefore all our existing forests and woodlands were produced by past floods, some of them as far back as 1000 years ago. Imagine the abundance and diversity of birds, frogs, and fish whose breeding is triggered by floods. This is a rare event, and Murray River Trails look forward to hosting you in 2023 so that we can show you the immediate benefits of a high river in a dry continent.

Have a listen to the video below as Tony Sharley shares his excitement over the significance of this high water on the environment.

Our tours are scheduled to depart again from March 2023, a wonderful chance to see the flourishing effects of the high water event!

For more information about the current high water event, please head to our page with High Flows Information and useful links for planning your visit to the Riverland.

The Riverland is safe to visit and here are 30 ideas for enjoying the region courtesy of Destination Riverland.