How To Be A Citizen Scientist

How To Be A Citizen Scientist

We've teamed up with iNaturalist so our staff and guests can easily become citizen scientists! All you have to do is snap a photo of the plant or animal in its natural habitat and upload it to iNaturalist via a smart phone app! That easy!

What is iNaturalist?

iNaturalist is the world’s leading global social biodiversity network and Murray River Trails encourages staff and guests to upload their field oberservations to their platform.

This platform allows their team to create research-quality citizen science data that enables a more detailed picture of our national biodiversity, and assists bodies such as the CSIRO, Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board, ecologists and other decision makers to deliver better outcomes for the environment and our species.

How do our guests assist and what are we tracking?

Our staff record observations with iNaturalist Australia by using the iNaturalist app on mobile phones or desktop computers. An observation records an encounter with an individual organism at a particular time and location in the Riverland region.

We require photos to be attached to observations for them to become research grade and added to the Atlas of Living Australia.

This is where our guests can greatly assist us in capturing images out in the field! Although we make broader observations that we think are valuable to the local scientific community, we have identified the following species to track with our guests when we are exploring the Riverland region by vehicle, boat, canoe or walking.

  • Regent Parrot
  • Short-beaked echidnas
  • Lace Monitor
  • Red Capped Robin
  • Sacred Kingfisher
  • Yellow billed spoonbill
  • Red Kangaroo
  • Brush-tail possum
  • Sharp tailed Sandpiper



Download the iNaturalist App for our smartphone at the links provided below